System message

HAS-UD Homogeneous Catalysis Research Group Researchgroup

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Year established: 1996
Group leader and Contact person: Ferenc Joó full professor
Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22382


Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22382
Ferenc Joó, full professor
Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22383
Ágnes Kathó, senior research fellow
Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22548
Gábor Papp, research fellow
Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22588
Henrietta Győrváriné Horváth, research fellow
Phone number: +36 52 512900 /22314
Mihály Purgel, research fellow